Friday, March 6, 2009

I like your sweet talk. It fills me up.

This is going to be a random post of pictures and things I have been loving from ffffound and wherever.  Things that I save thinking I can use them for a future post, but they have just been cluttering my iphoto. So it's time to put them to use.  

First.  I love this post from A Cup of Jo the other day, it's such an honest little poem that I could really live by. 

"I must learn to love the fool in me--the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. It alone protects me against that utterly self-controlled, masterful tyrant whom I also harbor and who would rob me of human aliveness, humility, and dignity but for my fool." -- Theodore I. Rubin, MD

This is totally what goes through my mind when I type a 'laugh.'  It 100% mirrors my inner laugh meter.

Is it wrong that I just wanna have someone to do that with?  It's been too long.

I love this little to-do list. It's hilariously simple, and cute and totally something that I would be inspired to write. 

I wish I took this picture.  Lately I've decided I for sure wanna do photojournalism with my photography. for the rest of my life.  There will always be material and an audience.  

Hm, was I Schroeder in a past life?

Like I said, random post. 


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